(VDE) CẦN SIẾT LỰC CÁCH ĐIỆN 12.5 MM (1/2") 20-100 N.M MATADOR 6179 0100

Mã sản phẩm: 6179 0100
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(VDE) CẦN SIẾT LỰC CÁCH ĐIỆN 12.5 MM (1/2") 20-100 N.M MATADOR 6179 0100


Torque wrench VDE 12.5 MM (1/2") 20-100 N.M. Tripping torque wrench with square drive

The tripping accuracy is ±4% of the set scale value .Reproducible and precise with at least 5,000 load changes, for controlled right-hand and left-hand tightening

With a clearly tactile and audible torque release. A double scale in Nm and lbf ft, with a large viewing window for optimum legibility of the set values

The torque wrench has a robust ratchet mechanism with 32 teeth. Including ergonomic and hand-friendly handle

A secure locking option on the handle. With square drive according to DIN 3120, ISO 1174

With ball lock and individual serial number and factory calibration certificate according to DIN EN ISO 6789


Khách hàng có thể tham khảo thông tin sản phẩm trực tiếp từ hãng ở link bên dưới:

Link sản phẩm hãng: https://www.matador.de/en/VDE-Drehmomentschluessel-MATADOR-Art.-Nr.-61790025/61790025